Tucson launches survey to get public input to identify challenges, fund services

Published: Monday, April 29, 2024 - 5:05am
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The city of Tucson is seeking public input on how it can better serve its most vulnerable residents. 

Tucson has something called P-CHIP, which stands for the People, Communities, and Homes Investment Plan.

It directs funding for things like homeless services and neighborhood enhancements.

Now the city wants to update that plan and is asking for the public’s help.

It’s launched a survey asking people to identify and prioritize Tucson's biggest challenges and what it should fund to address some of them.

The prompts address areas like access to transportation, affordable housing, crime and safety.

The city has also planned several in person and virtual events to encourage community engagement between now and July.

It expects to adopt a new plan in October.

Homelessness Housing