Expect a ticket instead of a warning if you're caught speeding in Tempe

By Jacob Suever
Published: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 - 11:35am

A new policy is being implemented in Tempe requiring officers to ticket any drivers pulled over for speeding.

The initiative, dubbed Operation Slow Down, is aimed at reducing vehicle crashes resulting from speeding, reckless driving and drag racing. The operation started Jan. 15 and will remain in effect until March. 

“... Between Jan. 15 and March 15, anyone pulled over for a traffic violation in Tempe will receive a ticket without warning. You will also notice an increase in digital radar signs around the city,” said Tempe Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams, who announced the operation at the beginning of the month.

The initiative comes at a time where there has been a recent uptick in accidents caused by aggressive driving. In 2023, there were 32 speed-related accidents, up 40% from the average between 2012 and 2022. 

Adams said she has already seen an increase in vehicles being pulled over. 

“The word will get out and people have already noticed more people pulled over. I talked to several constituents that have said, normally I wouldn’t necessarily see an officer at a certain location, and officers are there and they’re pulling people over. So it’s already working,” Adams said. 

In addition to speeding, the city is trying to eliminate drag racing, which continues to be a concern across the Valley. In 2023, Tempe handed down 259 charges related to street racing, Adams said.

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