Coconino County seeks public input to modernize 'dark sky' ordinance

By Michel Marizco
Published: Friday, September 15, 2023 - 2:13pm
Updated: Friday, September 15, 2023 - 2:14pm

Flagstaff dark sky sign
Jean Clare Sarmiento/KJZZ
In 2001, Flagstaff became the world’s first International Dark Sky City.

Coconino County is asking the public for input on amendments being proposed for its "dark sky" ordinance.

The county has had the ordinance in place since the 1980s, but officials say lighting technology has changed since then. Some recommendations in the original ordinance, like low sodium pressure bulbs, are considered archaic.

The county recommends phasing in narrow spectrum LED lighting instead. 

The proposed changes include reducing the number of lighting zones in the county that currently protect observatories. That would increase restrictions in places farther than 7 miles away from the area’s four observatories. 

The original ordinance was intended to reduce "light trespass" between neighbors.

The public can propose changes here.

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