Maui wildfires continue to affect many across the U.S., including in Phoenix

By Ignacio Ventura
Published: Monday, August 14, 2023 - 10:03am
Updated: Monday, August 14, 2023 - 10:05am

Jean Clare Sarmiento/KJZZ
Downtown Lahaina in Maui in April 2022.

Residents living on the island of Maui in Hawaii continue to face adversity after devastating wildfires killed dozens, displaced hundreds and destroyed property.

Many people across the country have shared their reactions to the ongoing situation. That includes Wendy Lane from Phoenix who formerly lived on the island and has family who still reside there.

"I can barely breathe when I think about it. It’s beyond devastation. Just anybody that lives there has been affected. There isn’t one person, one local, that doesn’t know, including us, that doesn’t know families or people that have perished or that have lost their home," she said.

Lane says her parents live near the village of Lahaina, which was devastated, but they were not affected by the fires and have opened their home to others who have lost theirs.

Environment Wildfires